my admirable person

The person that I admire the most is my Father. My father is one of a kind. He is handsome, funny, kind, generous, smart, and most importantly he is the most caring father ever. My father is a simple guy but sometimes mischievous. I admire my father because my father is the best guy that ever existed. I see my father as a great role model for us siblings because he thought us how to do household chores and be more strategic in life. My Dad also thought me on how to be a gentleman, He said that I should treat a lady right. My Dad wants the best for me and He is working so hard just to give us siblings a happy life. I can see how my Dad struggles and how he saves money just to give us some food and pocket money for school. Someday I want to repay my Father for all his hard work. Some might think the word admire is only for only crushes like that etc. But the meaning of admire is to regard with respect and warm approval and I respect my Dad so much. Because he always works hard for us to live a life with no worries. I admire my father not only because he is my Dad but because of his personality as a human being.


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