Why Education is Important ?

As an Individual  education is important beacause without education life of the person is nothing. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have point of view on things in life. Information cannot be converted into knowledge without education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things, among other things. It is not just about the lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.

Education is the only way to have a better life, to make our dreams came true. Eduction is the foundation of our future. I believe that you earn everything by studying to have a good and beautiful future.

With  the proper informed and well-educated mind, you are able to identify your strengths and weaknesses acting upon which the right attitude and focus helps you in achieving what you want in life.

There re several reasons why people need education. The main reason being. we need to be alert and aware of things that affect our daily lives. It is the need of all human beings to know. Nowadays  there is a vast choice of education. People can study to become Engineers, Doctors, Accountants, Public servants, Computer experts and many other professions, The importance of education can be understood from one fact, that educated people live happier life than those who are uneducated people.


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